Choose a right PDK

Because of some security regulations, it's not allowed to use PDK from TSMC, SMIC, XFAB, etc. So to start the tutorial, I must find a open-source PDK.
At first, I'd like to use Google Skywater 130nm PDK, but, obviously, I failed. When I referred to the document, the analog block of it was blank. And as I downloaded the PDK files, there was no analog part, too.
I kept looking for a suitable PDK until I found NCSU PDKs. The PDK, which is provided by the NCSU, includes 45nm, 3D45nm, and 15nm. And in this tutorial, I will use the 45nm PDK.

Install the 45nm PDK

The 45nm PDK document is well written. Anyone flowing the document step by step can make the PDK installed. And my previous blog can help, too.